If you want to own your own business, it is easier to buy an existing business than it is to start you own business from scratch. An established business allows you to skip past the startup phase entirely, which is where 50 percent of all new businesses fail. If you buy a business then you …
Whether you are planning to buy an existing business or expect to sell one you currently own, one of the biggest challenges involves deciding on a fair price. As the buyer, if you pay too much, you risk damaging future profit by digging too deep a hole early in your ownership cycle. As the seller, …
Some business buyers buy a business on their own. That is fine, considering the availability of legal business forms and templates. Others, like you, are wiser and more cautious. You want to lower your risk by hiring professionals, which could include a business lawyer, an accountant, a business broker and a property appraiser. They each …
You’re looking for the Perfect Business to purchase. One that’s producing Strong Earnings – with Excellent Cash-Flow, and has a Proven Track Record of Profits. Unfortunately, the very business your seeking to purchase – is NOT For Sale! In today’s World – with so many people struggling just to make their mortgage payment, or – …