If this is the first time you’ve visited this page, we welcome you with Open Arms! As you may already know, BIZ Builder.Com is the Largest Commercial Business Brokerage in the USA, with a Proven Track Record of helping both New and Seasoned Entrepreneurs achieve all of their many Financial Goals and Objectives.
Our BIZ Christian Housing Foundation has an entirely different agenda: Provide Quality, New Housing at ZERO COST for the Poorest and Most Marginalized Families of Third World Societies, while at the same time, Teaching Valuable Entrepreneurial Skills that will help to provide Income AND Financial Support for many years to come.
For the past 15 years, we’ve been focused on acquiring New Homes in Davao City, Philippines. Beginning in 2025, we will be Expanding our efforts to include China and India, as well.
Questions? Please Contact Us For Further Details!