There are many ways to contact us, from Telephone to Social Media. We also provide a convenient method to schedule an appointment for us to call you directly!
Due to the volume of inquires received daily into our office, it’s usually best to Schedule A Call on a Convenient Date / Time that works best for you from this website:
International Callers can reach us by dialing our local, direct number: 1-805-421-4466.
Our Toll-Free Fax line is: 1-800-662-5931.
Our firm operates exclusively in a “Remote Office” environment, where employees generally work from their home or other preferred location. After many years of owning large Commercial Offices where our employees met their Clients at Starbucks, McDonald’s, and other popular meeting locations ~ we finally realized it was time to change our ways! Today, all 25+ employees at BIZ work “Remotely”. Our mailing address is:
BIZ Builder.Com
5394 Seneca Place
Simi Valley, CA 93063 USA

George Massalas

Shannon Leonard

Grant Hallstrom

Ron Cruise

Jessica Stanburry

Mimi Mak

Shannon Wright

David Pierson

Sandy Hesse

Kevin Chung

Sireesha Siram

Janie Cerbone

Broker Associates

Skyler McClure